
ground gall Learn more about ground gall

  • Control methods of jujube gall midge

    Control methods of jujube gall midge

    Due to the small size of each insect, chemical control is generally applied as follows: (1) ground control: before overwintering superior adults are about to sprout (about mid-April), 2.5% trichlorfon powder is sprayed on the ground under the crown, or 25% phoxim capsule 200mm 300 times solution (covered with fine soil or light hoe soil mixing), or 4% acephate powder Or 4% dibromophosphorus powder can be sprayed on the ground when the nursery ground is in between rows.

  • Control of jujube gall midge, a pest of jujube trees

    Control of jujube gall midge, a pest of jujube trees

    Jujube gall midge (Contariniasp.) (1) alias and taxonomic status jujube bud maggot, curly leaf maggot, jujube maggot, belonging to Diptera, gall mosquito family. (2) the insect is distributed in all jujube areas in China, and the damage is the most serious in Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei and Shaanxi.

    2020-11-08 Species jujube tree pest jujube gall midge control
  • Lycium barbarum red gall midge and its control

    Lycium barbarum red gall midge and its control

    Lycium barbarum red gall midge belongs to the gall mosquito family. The larvae are harmful to the ovary in the seedlings, forming abnormal buds and can not blossom. Lycium barbarum red gall midge has about 6 generations a year, overwintering as mature larvae in the soil, pupating in spring the following year, adults appearing in buds in mid-April and peak in May, laying eggs at the top of young buds. The larvae ate the ovary and the injured buds were deformed. Fall off because it can't blossom. In late September, the mature larvae were buried in the soil to overwinter. The method of prevention and control is to spray 50% 1605 EC 1000 times in the middle of April.

  • What are the main pests of Chinese chestnut?

    What are the main pests of Chinese chestnut?

    What are the main pests of Chinese chestnut? Please introduce the occurrence characteristics and control methods of chestnut gall wasp and cloud spot longicorn beetle as follows: first, chestnut gall wasp 1. The morphological characteristics of adults are black wasps, with a body length of 2mi 3mm and transparent front and rear wings. The egg is oval, 0.2 mm long, milky white, with a tail.

  • Control of pear gall midge

    Control of pear gall midge

    Pear gall midge, also known as flower bud maggot, belongs to the family Diptera. The adult lays eggs in the bud. After the eggs hatch, the larvae (maggots) drill into the buds to eat stamens, the damaged buds can not open normally, wither and fall off. In recent years, the damage of pear gall mosquitoes in our county tends to be serious. In 2006, the average damage rate of single flower was 3.25%, and that of serious pear orchards was 27.64%. In 2007, the average damage rate of single flower was 9.25%, and that of serious pear orchards was 45.7%, which has seriously affected the fruit rate of pear trees. According to this site, March 9-

  • Jujube gall midge

    Jujube gall midge

    Distribution and host this insect belongs to the order Pteroptera, Culicidae. Distributed in Hebei, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan and other jujube producing areas. The hosts are jujube tree and wild jujube tree. The harm and symptoms are that the larvae suck the juice of jujube or sour jujube buds and leaves and stimulate the mesophyll tissue to make the injured leaves roll longitudinally to the leaf surface. The injured site changed from green to purplish red, hard and brittle, soon blackened and withered, and there were often several heads and even larvae in a roll of leaves. Morphological characteristics 1. The adult female is 1.4mm to 2.0mm long; the compound eye is black, reniform; touching.

  • Control of jujube gall midge

    Control of jujube gall midge

    Also known as jujube bud maggot, damage jujube tree buds and young leaves. This insect occurs early, has many generations and has a long damage period. it has a great influence on the development of seedlings, young trees and the fruiting of adult trees. it is one of the main leaf pests of jujube trees. The insect has 5 Mel 7 generations a year in North China, overwintering with mature larvae forming cocoons in the soil, adults Eclosion and oviposition in April next year, and the first ten days of May is the peak period of damage. Control methods: 1. Spray the ground with 1000 times of trichlorfon powder or 25% phoxim, combined with turning the garden to eliminate overwintering.

  • "Snake gallbladder" can snake gall be eaten raw? How do you eat it? What does it look like? What are the effects and effects?

    Many areas of Zhejiang have the custom of swallowing snake gall alive. They feel that eating snake meat and swallowing snake gall can cool and dispel summer heat. All snake gall can be used as medicine, especially the gall of gold ring snake, silver ring snake, chessboard snake, cobra, king cobra, five-step snake and Agkistrodon halys.

    2020-11-11 "Snake gallbladder " Snake gallbladder Snake gallbladder
  • Control of leaf gall midge caused by insect pests of mango

    Control of leaf gall midge caused by insect pests of mango

    This insect is a frequent and important pest and is distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan, Fujian and other producing areas. The insect is seriously damaged shoot stage leaves, each leaf may have several or more than a dozen galls, which has a great impact on the quality of new shoots, and the damaged leaves leave a large number of perforations.

    2020-11-08 Species mango pest leaf gall mosquito control this insect in Guangdong
  • Introduction to the value of herring gall grass points for attention

    Introduction to the value of herring gall grass points for attention

    Introduction to the value of herring gall grass points for attention

  • Medicinal use and processing of snake whip and snake gall

    Medicinal use and processing of snake whip and snake gall

    First, the medicinal use and processing of snake whips, that is, the reproductive organs of male snakes. A complete pair of snake whips consists of two gonadal testicles and two copulators, which contain testosterone, protein and other ingredients. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory of "replenishing dirty organs with dirty organs and seeking for the same gas phase". According to the determination of relevant scientific research departments, the kidney tonifying substance contained in snake whip is 10% higher than that of deer whip and more than 30% higher than seal kidney and dog kidney. Snake whip has the function of tonifying kidney and invigorating yang and warming internal organs. It can treat impotence, kidney deficiency, tinnitus, chronic orchitis, women's uterine cold infertility and so on. Rejoin the snake whip

  • Occurrence and control of Lycium barbarum gall mite

    Occurrence and control of Lycium barbarum gall mite

    In the middle and last ten days of August 2002, Chinese wolfberry gall mite disease occurred in the Chinese wolfberry producing area along the boundary between giant deer and Longyao, which brought great losses to the majority of Chinese wolfberry growers. Harmful symptoms: the leaves are the most obvious, the damaged parts are densely yellow-green and nearly round bulging spots, the leaves are twisted, similar to virus disease, the plant growth is seriously hindered, the leaves and tender stems are not edible, the fruit is deformed, and the yield and quality are reduced. Cut the small bulge on the leaf with a blade, remove the adult mite from the inside, and look at it under the microscope. The adult mite is long conical and orange. Pass

  • The love and killing in nature is about figs and fig wasps.

    The love and killing in nature is about figs and fig wasps.

    Speaking of Ficus plants, northerners may think of fig trees with slender branches and strangely shaped leaves, while southerners may think of giant banyan trees with thick shady ground and fluttering air roots. Big or small, their fruits.

  • Control methods of jujube gall midge pests

    Control methods of jujube gall midge pests

    This insect is commonly known as jujube leaf maggot, which is distributed in various jujube areas all over the country and harms young leaves, buds and young fruits with larvae. The young leaves were tube-shaped curled, purplish red, hard and brittle, and soon blackened and withered. After the bud is killed, it can not open, wither and fall off. The young fruit is not properly nurtured and grows up. When it is the size of a soybean, it turns yellow and falls off.

  • The new star of flowers and trees "Erythrina japonica" creates gall like tumor on trees

    The new star of flowers and trees

    In the list officially released and confirmed as new species in 2004, there is a small bee named Erythrina gallwasp (EGW), which is called "Erythrina gallwasp" in China. A New Star in Biological Invasion

  • The causes of yellow rose leaves, diseases and insect pests are all murderers.

    The causes of yellow rose leaves, diseases and insect pests are all murderers.

    Rose is a very common flower and plant, its flowers are numerous and colorful, and it is very popular with people, but many people who raise rose flowers have encountered yellowing of flowers and leaves, so what are the specific reasons?

  • What are the methods of prevention and control of pear diseases and insect pests in winter?

    What are the methods of prevention and control of pear diseases and insect pests in winter?

    What are the pear diseases and insect pests in winter? What are the methods of prevention and control of pear diseases and insect pests in winter? We also ask experienced netizens to introduce that the main diseases and insect pests of pear trees in winter are pear weevil, pear wasp, pear gall midge, pear scab, pear black spot, red yellow spider, shell insect and so on.

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum

  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Gentiana officinalis

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Gentiana officinalis

    Gentiana is a herb of the genus Asteraceae, alias grass sandal root, grass sole, gall head, the whole grass can be used in medicine, with heat-clearing, blood-cooling, detoxification, dampness effect, often used in cold, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, jaundice, eczema and so on. So what should the daredevil do?

    2020-11-10 Most Xindi gallbladder planting techniques methods tutorials ground gall
  • Pest control of litchi and longan in autumn and winter

    Pest control of litchi and longan in autumn and winter

    First, the species and control of insect pests in autumn shoot. Autumn shoots are the fruiting branches of next year, if eaten by pests, it will seriously affect the formation of flower buds next year. Autumn shoot pests are mainly a variety of leaf-eating inchworms and leaf rollers. Among them, gall mites (felt disease) and longan horncheek wood lice are the most harmful from September to November every year.
